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當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) > 媒體中心 > 新聞中心 > 展會(huì)新聞 > 2022 R+T Asia亞洲門窗遮陽(yáng)展/HD+ Asia亞洲家居裝飾及生活方式展延期通知

2022 R+T Asia亞洲門窗遮陽(yáng)展/HD+ Asia亞洲家居裝飾及生活方式展延期通知



鑒于上海及全國(guó)多地新冠疫情防控形勢(shì)嚴(yán)峻,根據(jù)政府當(dāng)?shù)匾咔榉揽匾?,為了保障參展商、觀眾及各位合作伙伴的生命與健康安全,同時(shí)也確保展商的參展效果,經(jīng)多方商議后審慎決定:原定于2022年5月25日-5月27日在國(guó)家會(huì)展中心(上海)舉辦的第十七屆R+T Asia亞洲門窗遮陽(yáng)展/HD+ Asia亞洲家居裝飾及生活方式展將延期舉行,我們將密切關(guān)注疫情發(fā)展,與相關(guān)部門保持溝通協(xié)作,妥善安排新的展期,具體調(diào)整方案將另行通知。


感謝各位展商、觀眾及合作方多年來(lái)與我們攜手并進(jìn),共同成就R+T Asia/HD+ Asia,雖然展會(huì)延期,但服務(wù)不止,之后我們也將發(fā)揮資源優(yōu)勢(shì),通過(guò)數(shù)字化營(yíng)銷,商貿(mào)配對(duì),產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)動(dòng)等多元化整合營(yíng)銷服務(wù),助力展商及觀眾特殊時(shí)期的貿(mào)易達(dá)成。






R+T Asia亞洲門窗遮陽(yáng)展&HD+ Asia亞洲家居裝飾及生活方式展主辦方



2022年4月7日 星期四


Notice of Postponement: R+T Asia 2022/HD+ Asia 2022


Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,

In view of the severe situation of the COVID19 pandemic and the further tightening of prevention and control in Shanghai and in many other provinces in China, and in accordance with the government’s local requirements in order to protect the health and safety of all show participants, as well as to ensure the best participation results for all parties involved, please be informed that the 17th R+T Asia/HD+ Asia originally scheduled to be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 25-27 May, 2022 will be postponed.We are paying close attention to current developments and are monitoring the situation and will be announcing the new dates and other details in the following days.

Thank you for your support and participation at R+T Asia over the past years. Despite the recent postponement, R+T Asia, will continue offering various business services, such as business match-makings, digital marketing promotional products, networking opportunities and many more, in order to support the industry and trade during these challenging times.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement of the exhibition and we look forward to reuniting with you in a healthy and safe environment very soon.

For exhibition related information, please pay close attention to our upcoming newsletters, social media accounts and website.

R+T Asia/HD+ Asia Team

VNU Exhibitions Asia Ltd

Messe Stuttgart GmbH

April, 7 2022